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TJ's Academy Of Martial Arts


  • TJ’s Academy of Martial Arts, a Russian Martial Arts Club situated in Swindon, West Midlands. The club founded in 2000.


  • Classes are held in SYSTEMA, a Russian Martial Art. Its been around in Russia since 948AD started by the ancient Russian Cossacks.


  • On the media there is so much emphasis on the oriental Arts like judo, Karate etc, but nothing on the Martial Arts from other countries. One of which is Russia. The Martial art is called CNCTEMA pronounced "SYSTEMA"

  • Systema is a realistic combat style of fighting with real-life, rather than sport and competition. It involves a unique, high speed, elliptical open-hand striking system, kicking, and defense on the ground. Unlike many styles, Systema has no predetermined fighting stances, but teaches you to defend and escape against attackers from any position in any scenario. In addition, students are trained in the use and disarming of weapons, improvised weapons (items you use in everyday life), as well as combat in non-traditional situations such as fighting from a chair, while in a car or from a real life scenario.

Club Photos

Club Videos

Christmas Self Defence Workshop 2019 video:

Defence against 2 knife attackers:



Get in Touch

Do you have any inquiries or questions? Please do not hesitate to fill in the following details:

Thank you for your message!

Swindon Community Centre,

High Street,


West Midlands,



Call or Text Trevor:  07803 877921

Our Social Media's

Find us on Facebook, Instagram & Twitter!

Facebook: 'TJ's Academy Of Martial Arts'

Instagram: @tjsacademyofmartialarts

Twitter: @tjsmartialarts

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